Posts Tagged ‘The Power Of Beliefs’

…Lemme phrase that question in another way…

What do you seem to constantly affirm to yourself?

(Good or Bad what you Affirm on a regular basis is your favorite Affirmation, i.e – the things you’ve been saying to yourself that becomes what you believe.)

You can always change what you believe about yourself, about others, and about your world in your mind. For some, the mental change can be quick…almost instant. For others, the mental change can take time. Either way, if you desire to change the way you think about yourself, your situation, or others, one of the best ways to do it is with Affirmations. What you affirm to yourself consistently over time becomes a belief. That belief can be about yourself, about others, about your situation, about your environment, etc. Beliefs are strong, some stronger than others. Yet beliefs are usually deep rooted because of something you have affirmed to yourself. (more…)